The 695 thought pad

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Shake that laughy taffy!

Did you know there is a song out there that wants you to shake your laughy taffy? I just heard it for the first time yesterday and giggled the whole time it was on.

Something else I just learned: to satisfy you hunger, you will soon be able to buy Foot Long Snoop Doggs! Ah, I'm still laughing about this! It's hilarious what is done now with celebrities. Honestly, Snoop has now become king of the commercial world. Foot long Snoop Doggs... hahaha! ( )

Oh, and here's a trivia question for you. Name the movie:

1: "What was that ruckus?!"
2: "What ruckus?"
1: "I was in my office when I heard a ruckus!"
3: "Could you describe the ruckus, sir?"

Bonus points if you can name who says each line. I'm counting on at least one of you to get this. ;)

In case you couldn't tell, I've been saving these up just so I can post them and hear your comments. I'm home alone again while my parents are in North Carolina, introducing themselves to their very first grandkid and the mother. I head down there on Tuesday. I'm so excited! Not only do I get to do the very same, but I also get to housesit while I'm down there. Seriously, my brother's condo doesn't have enough room for me, so I'm staying at his friends' house, but they are leaving for the holiday, so I get their house to myself, too. Pretty wack, but I'm sure I'll be happy to have it once I spend a few days with Breckin and the 4 other kids. I may be related to one, and closely connected to the others, but phew - that's a lot of kids!

So, I'm home alone, and I haven't changed out of my pjs for almost two days. I have to later today, though, 'cause I told myself I was going to go for a hike, plus I have to babysit tonight. So, either way, I'll have to leave my comfy sweatpants at home.

What have I been up to lately? Buying tires, learning about some pretty and not so pretty minerals, reading about animal behavior, raking leaves, chillin' with my parents and Penelope, seeing some movies (Shopgirl, In Her Shoes (tres bien!)), and I think that about covers it. Nothing too exciting, but it's keeping me busy.

In other news, my Dad had his first PSA after his radiation treatment. It ended up being about the same, if not higher than when he started radiation. So, what that means is that there's a-cancer a-brewin' somewhere in his body and we don't know where. His next step is to start lupron shots, which are supposed to slow down growth, but not cure. I think this would be the case until the doctors can determine where the cancer is, if possible. So, needless to say, I'm a bit down, but trying to remain optimistic. I mean, this could all be a helluva lot worse, and there are plenty of people out there that are living on with this. But, when it hits home, it's hard to remember that sometimes. My Dad's reaction is that he may have to spend his money quicker than he planned for. I just hope it doesn't have to be too quick.

Anyway, you guys remain my main source of happiness. And I'm really glad that Amanda and Sarah are posting on a regular basis. Sorry I was absent for a while, computer troubles didn't help. I'll try to not make a habit of it.

One more thing, I don't know how you guys feel about this, but I absolutely hate(!) that they are calling INXS that name, even though it's some crappyass reality kid as lead vocals. I'm sorry, but if you don't have Michael Hutchence as your lead singer, you are not INXS, even if there are 5 other surviving members. The band is not what it was w/Michael. Now, to be honest, I haven't heard the new single they put out, but I'm pretty positive it won't be near the caliber of their previous work as the honest and true INXS. And I guess you could argue that no band with a new member is the same, but when a good portion of a band's sound relies on the unique vocals of their lead singer, there is an even greater change. So, anyway, I'm miffed about that.

So, Thanksgiving is next week, and I leave Tuesday, so I'll try to post again before that. Have a good weekend folks!


At 10:29 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

So as I read over my post, I realized that I don't know if I could express myself properly without the word "so." I sure do use it a lot. But this is informal writing, so get used to it. So.

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Haha. "so so so so so" I use "like" a lot, so there!

Anyway, I'm sorry about your Dad 4man. I thought everything was cool, but you're right to stay optimistic. With the medications and treatments that are out there now, so many people can, if not cure the disease, extend their lives significantly. It's expensive, but it's worth it. So stay upbeat :)

As for INXS... I hate the new single. It's not a bad song, but I can't listen to it. I just can't sit through it. The lead singer in a band is KEY. If a singer goes on to form a new band, many people think, no matter how the sound of the songs may change, that it's the same band. (i.e. Soundgarden and Audioslave) I'll say again, lead singers are KEY.

At 9:49 PM, Blogger manda said...

clearly the movie is the breakfast club. I feel as though I have an unfair advantage, TBC being my favourite movie EVER and all. Number 1 is Mr. Vernon, I believe Number 2 is Bender (Judd Nelson), and I think 3 is Andy (Emilio Estevez) but I could have 2 and 3 mixed up.

also, I'm pretty sure I couldnt munch down on a foot long snoop dogg without gagging. eww.

At 9:53 PM, Blogger manda said...

also, if anyone can kick cancer's ass, it's bob fourhman. Just stay optimistic, and I'm sure everything will be a-ok :) We'll all be thinking of you :)

At 6:34 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Yeah, I really didn't think anyone else besides Amanda would get the quote, but I thought I'd give'r a try. And yes, you did mix 'em up, 2 is Andy and 3 is Bender, but you knew enough to say it.


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