The 695 thought pad

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A shout-out to all the homemakers and working stiffs out there

The head of the household? That's me! Yup, while my parents are off frolicking in Quebec and Nova Scotia and all around the Gaspe, I'm back home here making sure that my Dad's tv channel runs as it's supposed to, try to find out what happened to my Mom's brother, mow the lawn, clean the house, pay the bills, decorate for Halloween/autumn and keep up with my homework and such. Sheesh, I thought I was going to be able to slack off while I had the house to myself (and kitty). I didn't realize I would be doing triple duty as a homemaker. So, needless to say, I've been staying busy as the interim head of the 4man household.

I need to go so I can study some for my art history exam that I was supposed to study for earlier today, but was too busy with chores to do. How do people do it? Just imagine if kids were added to this situation. Makes me think life won't get easier again until I'm put into a nursing home. Alas, sweet boredom, I knew you once.


At 4:45 PM, Blogger manda said...

"Alas, sweet boredom, I knew you once."

oh fourhman, you crack me up.

now try having a messy boyfriend and two cats to clean up after and you'll understand just how much I miss school :(

thanks for the mascara by the way, you clever little sneakster you!

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

"Ahh, sweet cleaning up after lazy dickheads and pet hair, how I never wanted you in my life..."

I hear you, Manda!

At 9:38 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Well, remember how I wanted that boredom. It's already here. I have nothing to do right now, but I'm stuck at school because I just finished by art history exam and have 4 hours to kill before my animal behavior meeting. Luckily, Target saves the day, since it's only a couple miles away! Batman begins, here I come!

An odd thing, I was just offered a jello shot in the hallway of IUS. Unfortunately it was sans alcohol. They're having an OktSoberfest (haha :( ). Anyway, kinda odd.

Well, don't be surprised if you hear from me again today. I have time to kill after my animal behavior, too, since I'm hanging out at Kayla's but she doesn't get home until after 9pm.



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