The 695 thought pad

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Cold, windy, and snowy

I love this weather! I'd prefer a little more than just wet snow, but it's white and semi-fluffy and that's ok with me. I have baseball playoffs tomorrow night and hopefully it'll snow a little then.

It has been a pretty slow week; a midterm and a paper took up most of the time. I took in a Guelph Storm game with my housemates, some of their friends, and Sue. We won 6-3 in a pretty entertaining game. And while there were a few scrums on the ice, it was the off-ice scrum between six kids literally fighting for a t-shirt thrown into the crowd during the intermission. When I was at the Oasis concert, Liam threw a tamourine into the crowd and people went nuts for it and many ended up with cuts and bruises. But this was an over-sized maroune t-shirt that these kids will probably NEVER wear! And where where the kids' parents? Sitting and watching! Just watching them fight over a piece of material! I think it came down to two older girls and I swear one of them was going to lay a punch. On another note, I almost caught a frisbee. And by almost caught, I mean that it came in my direction and I got a little excited and then it tailed off into someone else's hands. I didn't want the stupid frisbee anyways. ....sniff

Is there anything better than taking a big gulp of a cold can of coke when you're really thirsty from a bowl of macaroni? I think not.

My housemates went to The Ranch for the past two nights so, needless to say, I stayed IN the past two nights! I watched The Big Lobowski again last night. I always laugh when Steve Buschemi keeps saying "I am the walrus" when Jon Goodman's character is clearly talking about VI "Lenin". And also any time he tells Donnie "you're outta your element, Donnie!" is priceless. I also watched "The Final Countdown", a pic from the 80's about a US battlecraft that travels through a timeportal sending them back to the day before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour. They have to decide if they should change the course of history and pummel those industrialized bastards in Japan! It's a corny movie with a great premise and one of my favourite movie scores.

Also, is there anything better than reheated macaroni? I think it's better than fresh macaroni because it's a little more drier and palatable.

OK, enough procrastinating. Back to work I go.



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