The 695 thought pad

Sunday, October 23, 2005

REO Speedwagon stuck in my head...

"And I'm gonna keep on lovin' you, 'cause it's the only thing I wanna do. I don't wanna sleep, I just wanna keep on lovin' yooooouuuu..." Ahh, classic.

Anyway, I was wrong about Empl0yment Insurance and I thought I should share that because you can't apply and expect that the government gives a rats ass that you were practically slave labourized by one company because that's not a good enough reason to quit your other, low-paying part-time job to move to a big city with a bigger job pool where you were able to successfully find full-time work. AND loving your partner is not a good enough reason to quit your job and move across the country, unless you have a marriage date set, own stuff together or have been living together long enough to be common lay, even though you found a part-time job within two weeks of being here and a second job within the first month... I'm bitter. FUCK EI!

In other news, our fish are STILL dying! It's incredible. We've banned the fish store that we've been going to and we're waiting for the last two fish to kick off so that we can dump the tank and start over. WTF?? Fish tank of death, round 2 - now taking bets! On a good note, the landlord has finally decided to take some action about the mice and fleas, although what, I'm not sure. If she doesn't get her act together soon, I'm calling an exterminator and having them bill her. And yes, I'm totally in my rights here. WTF??? I didn't read anything on the lease about the house coming with rodents and itch-inducing insects!!

Other than that, the jobs are both going well. Now if HomeSense could just get my schedule straight and maybe get a line of communication going between members of management, that would be great... (Lumberg voice may be used in the previous statement) But it's helping to pay the bills, or at least it will be as of this Friday when I finally get paid.

OOH! Very exciting, I have BC plates on my car!!! I went in yesterday and got insurance (it's quite a bit cheaper here) and new plates :) I think I can finally consider myself a BC resident! Yay!

Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone. I wouldn't know because no one is posting!! WTF? Get it together people! It takes all of five minutes to type up a quick "hi, i'm great, life's good, blah blah". COME ON! :)

Later gators!


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