The 695 thought pad

Monday, October 17, 2005

Flu's suck the party the body.

It's 1:40am and I think I have da flu. I woke this morning with an achy all over feeling and then went to school and made things much, much worse. On top of that, I had a 10:30 tennis match with a guy who lives about two minutes from my new house. I actually played one of my better service games and won 8 games to 3. So now I'm 3-0 and I can boast that I won one game while very very sick. It's that congested cough as well...where you get that build-up in your chest and you hold in the cough because it hurts to cough and then when you go to order a soup from Tim Horton's you automatically cough because you've been holding it in for so long and the tickle is just so strong. It's one of those.

Hey Sarah, first off, congrats on the bump up to full-time. However, you say that working life sucks and then you say to stay in school which pretty much guarantees full time work. know...what're you trying to say? :p

Speaking of school, I'm going to look into doing the four courses I need next fall to graduate over the summer. That way, I can always come back for an extra semester to take courses that just sound interesting and bump up (second time I've used those two works in succession...) my average. Also, it would give me more time to decide if I want to move to London for a while. Oh yeah, I want to move to London for a while. I've discussed it with my Mom for a while and now it's time to start getting the old proverbial ball rolling and start planning. It's possible my Mom would come and live in England for a while when I'm there which would make things a little easier. I'll keep you all posted on the transpirings.

Now, I know you all LOVE baseball. But for those who don't, something happened in a playoff game tonight that makes baseball/sports the greatest entertainment on tv. Houston needed one win to advance to the World Series for the first time in their existence (40-something years). They were leading by 2 runs. It was the top of the 9th inning. They needed 3 outs. They had the second-best closer in all of baseball on the mound. The last team to come back from 2 runs in the 9th inning in the playoffs was in 1992 and before that 1920-something. They got to 2 outs. There were two runners on base. 35,000 rabid Houston fans were going absolutely b-ana-nas. The pitcher delivered...and the St. Louis hitter crushed a game-winning home run that hit the very back of the stadium. I was actually stunned and my jaw simply dropped. Now, I don't know if I conjured up the best picture, but I just had to share. Never before have I seen 35,000 people go completely silent. Pure, unadulterated drama :)

OK it's now 1:54 and I'm ready to try and fall asleep again. Should we place bets if I'll make my 8:30 class? 10-1 for me making it. 1-30 for me not making it.



At 10:57 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

"...2 worDs in succession." I shouldn't type while I am right now.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

MAN! F-OFF spammers! You'd think I'd get used to their mindless intrusion, but I just can't!!! I say again, F-OFF!

Anyway, woo baseball! I don't get any channels out here!! A DRAG. AND I missed AD on Monday night, so can someone provide an update if they saw it? I really wish I could watch the playoffs. There's nothing like the World Series, my friends, nothing in the whole wide world. Damn Global (the only channel we can really get) for being so UNCOOL.


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