The 695 thought pad

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Flying high

Hey BCers, just a post from Guelph, to say hi. As I look back at the weekend, I won't deny that we had our share of fun, but I should say that your presence was missed in the quote department, there weren't nearly enough padworthy quotes. We did try, here's a few that I can remember:

"It's like Florida, with brimstone." - AV descibing hell

"You jerk!" -AV
"How?" -DL

"Hallowee Ass or e" -Party Factory sign

"They should just be called farfelkiterlycuddlyo." -AV on cats

"Let's just say that I resently enjoyed the presence of a hockey player." -SM
"Meaning?" -DL
(at least I found this one funny)

"Arrested Development!!!" -SM

There may be others, but that's all I can remember. Okay, I think it may be getting on to my bedtime. I have a long drive ahead. Keeping you updated and goodnight.


At 5:46 PM, Blogger Remi said...

Sounds like you guys had a great time, I know we're both jealous. Sarah and I went to a Fisheries and Aquaculture (F 'n A kegger... get it? F 'n A?). We had a pretty good time, ended up staying 'till 3 talking to the owner of the house, this old guy, kinda fun. Sadly, the beer was shite, so we spent most of Saturday in the throes of nausea. I'm working at the pawn shop on weekends, so that was interesting. I love that job, not only is it hilarious, but it pays $8.50, which is pretty good, so now I can afford to buy Sarah some stuff... Anyhow, in case you're wondering, it rains here just about all the time.


At 8:30 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

So, it is true that the Northwest is rainy. Good to hear that that isn't a lie.

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I made it home alive and alright. And in damn good time, I might add. I left St. C's at noon and got in to Madison at about 9:15. I didn't stop much, so that helped. So, if you're coming to visit me from St. C's, cross the border at Ft. Erie (hint, hint). It's worth it time wise and you get to drive through New York's wine country - very picturesque this time of year.

I miss everyone already!

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Remi exaggerates! It's been sunny here quite a bit! But the locals keep warning me that the rainy season should be quickly approaching... And lasting until April or so ;) Yay!

I'm glad you guys had a great time this weekend. We missed you! But like Remi said, the kegger was a lot of fun. FINALLY he's introducing me to his friends. I was beginning to think I was ugly or something! (or that he had no friends...)

Anyway, not much else new. I'm finally WORKING at HomeSense. The people are really nice and my opinion of the place is changing. Today I got to hang rugs all day! Yay! It's nice though because it's completely different from what I'm used to.

OK, that's a long comment! I'll post soon :)


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