The 695 thought pad

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Delerious Blogging at 11:34pm in the T-dotter

It might be the fact the I'm hungry. It might be the fact that I've been staring at the computer screen for a while. It might also be the fact that I'm just really spacy. But I'm pretty sure it's also the fact that my family and I have been cleaning/packing my house to the point of ridiculousness for the past 48 hours. (It's also probably a little of the beer that I had last night.) We had our first open house from 2-4 this afternoon and according to our realtor/cousin people responded really well to the house...and they damn well better considering it's actually spotless. Not figuratively, but literally spotless. I think I cleaned clean things and reversed the cleanliness. Our neighbour was apparently the first one in the house and offerred $60,000 LESS what we are asking so he could knock down the walls and turn the semi-detatched house into one very large house. We never even talk to the guy and he wants to break down the walls for $60,000 less!! So poo on him.

I hope everyone's Thanksgiving was filling :) We've never had a Thanksgiving dinner. I don't really know why because it's not a religious thing. I think it might be because Rosh Hashana (2 massive dinners) takes place around the same time, and then we fast 10 days later which is followed by another massive dinner because you look forward to eating the whole day and end up cooking the whole day because you just want to be near food! But you can't taste your cooking so every so often the soup doesn't taste quite salty enough or its TOO salty. Not that I'm complaining or picky about my food or anything... I also really liked the photo essay. It was entertaining AND informative! Who'da thunk a turkey would have a nicer tan than me?! Man I reflect in that's much more embarassing than I thought.

Glad to hear you guys are doing well in your respective abodes, volunteering and working multiple jobs, etc. And Kat...New Foundland? You might as well have separated "land" to just make a sentence! hehe you're alllllllllllllright.

So getting back to the new hizzouse, I finally get to see the inside tomorrow. I'm going to be looking through the back window because the current owner is away, but at least I get a look-see! Honestly, it could be a three-bedroom box for all I care because the location is all that matters. The funny thing is that we really don't know what to do when we move. Four people, three rooms, two sisters who will be moving out by next September, and a son who would like a bed to sleep in when he visits. I know it sounds trivial, but one of us really won't have a bedroom and I'm the odd one out because I'm away the most! Anyhoo, I can't wait to move (less than three weeks) and that's really all that matters.

On a sad note, the looooong-time voice of the Blue Jays, Tom Cheek, passed away today. I never really care that much when celebrities pass on because I just don't have that connection with them, but every May, I'd turn on the Fan for the first pre-season game from Duneden, Florida and the moment Tom said "Welcome, Blue Jay fans", I would get the biggest smile on my face because just hearing his voice meant Summer was officially here (in my books) and he had a perfect voice for radio. You just wanted to kick back, grab some chips, and listen to baseball.

Alright, the deleriousness has turned into eyes closing, so everyone have a good week and "do doodoo loodoodoo...



At 8:59 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

Oh, I added an extra "doo". Now it's just silly!

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Yay! Moving! And you really should try Thanksgiving dinner. It's soooooooooooooooooo freakin good! Just for your personal piece of mind, my turkey turned out amazingly! And everything else was very good too :) All in all, for my first Thanksgiving, I did pretty well. So eat turkey!

And what's the dooloo doo doo crapola from? Sounds really familar but I can't place it...

At 1:26 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

doo doo-doo doo-doo...doo DOO!

At 3:59 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

C'mon Sarah, it's Nardwar! I mean, I can get Newfoundland wrong, but Nardwar? Obviously Nardwar is more of a Canadian thing. You actually have to live there and assimilate with the culture to know that.

Anyway, hope the open house turns up a decent offer, Dave. The real estate business is tricky stuff. And do you really need a bed? You slept on the couch half the time at the 695. ;)

And just to clear my head, did you not attend the Thanksgiving dinner I made at the 695 a couple years ago? I could've sworn you and Nat were there.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Leafer said...

Oh yeah...that day...I think I chose to block that one out of my memory for the past while, what with the ending of a relationship + the starting of another one on that day....oooooo :p

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Dave, you such a playa!


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