The 695 thought pad

Thursday, October 06, 2005

11:45 in the G-Spot

Kat, you are deffinately on the right track with your getting buzzed at home and then blogging methods. I am too much of a nerd and pass up going out to stay home and do work way too often, so maybe I should start keeping some wine in the house to drink when I realize I should have gone out!

Boy, I wish I had an interesting life like you guys with your ocean sightings and kitten purchases and...stories from the States! Speaking of which, check out this Bush quote:

I've been spending my days on campus doing the Soduko, Jumble, and Crossword puzzles and drinking coffee...and occasionally doing some work! My classes are actually pretty interesting. My Modern Political Ideologies prof is really though-provoking and manages to make Poli-Sci interesting at 8:30 in the morning! I'm used to looking at things in a pretty black and white fasion, and he makes me look at things in a totally different perspective. Basic concepts like the definition of freedom and Communism and the like. And then there's my Gender and Environment class where I am surrounded by lots of girls who believe notions that men are destroying women's rights to enter certain industries. And Business History where my teacher appears to be completely cracked out because......he.........talks like.............this..............and......has a........massive belly............and.....looks like a mouse with............a.....beard. HE'S SO SLOW!!! The Industrial Revolution isn't exciting as it is, let along listening about it at an incredibly slow pace!!!

Apparently my house in Toronto is ready to be put on the market. We're having an open house on Sunday and I think our house now represents the model home in Arrested Development. All of our personal belongings are gone and in are generic pictures and different seating arrangements. It's like I'm not going home to my house, but to a shell of my house's former self. I'm going to see the inside of my new house for the first time on Saturday afternoon. I'm most excited to see the backyard because we finally have a deck! I mean, we have a very small one in our house now, but it looks onto a parking lot and the projects so it's not the nicest view. This deck can fit more than two people and looks onto our backyard! There are only three rooms in the house, but both of my sisters should be moved out by September (marriage and the other is moving our before marriage) so there won't be any cramping. I'm actually getting a little giddy right now just thinking of the location. Instead of hearing sirens every ten minutes (no joke...the sound of sirens is like the theme song for our area) we get to hear....sirens! But these are from the firehouse a block and a half away. Not police car sirens chasing down a car/person.

Well, I went to the Manor for the first time the other night, but I didn't even know we were going there! My housemate Greg asked if I wanted to grab a late drink (it was 11:30) so I figured why not! We got in the car and I asked which bar we were going to and he gave me this smug look and then I saw two of the other guys come out of the house and run to the car and I didn't even need him to tell me where we were going. I almost didn't go, but I figured I'd be going at SOME point over the year. And it really wasn't as classy as I figured! :p It was amateur night and these girls were just so...wrong...and should not have been on stage. They were just too young and should not be doing what they were doing. I wasn't 'complaining', but...well I don't want to turn this into an R-rated blog, so just imagine what the most explicit things five girls on stage could do and that is what they did. But hey, no cover! Oh, and there was a herse in the parking lot. I really didn't have anything to say about that...

A song just came on that I think you'd all like: "There Goes The Fear", by The Doves.

I had my first tennis match last Sunday against a guy who drove an hour and a half just to make the match. He said he didn't want to forfeit the $25 by missing the game, and yet I'm sure he spent over $30 in gas! So I felt sort of bad and didn't play my hardest for the first four games (out of eight) and eventually found myself in a tie. So then I decided to try and finally won after nearly two and a half hours of tennis in the heat. So I'm 2-0 now! Bring on Federer!

Hey I just heard a siren! Memories of home...

I'm heading home this weekend to watch some hockey with the guys and hit up the reference library. Is it sad that the biggest worry in my life right now is deciding which group of hockey fans to watch the game with? I worry over the silliest things!

Can't wait to see people next weekend. Sarah and Remi, we'll be sure to drink the equivalent of what you two would have had to make up for your absense! Orrrr you could hop on a plane...



At 9:21 PM, Blogger Leafer said... used the word 'and' way too many times in one of my sentences. Great grammar, Dave!

At 10:39 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Yay! Hockey! Remi just mooned me - TWICE! Don't move in with your significant other!! (Amanda, I'm sure you can vouch for me on this one...) They're sick!

Anyway, I'm glad you went to the Manor. Ahh, remember when you and I went Manda? I think it was amateur night as well and yes, the girls were too young and touching themselves in all sorts of naughty ways, but think of it like this: they are most likely paying tuition and other school things, whereas in Nanaimo, the whores are supporting crack habits and their dirty crack pimps! The Manor is an experience everyone should have as a Guelph student though.

Anyway, have fun this weekend guys. And happy birthday Sue :) Celebrate enough for Remi and I :) Try to hit up the Trash, disappointing as it may be... Old times...

At 6:17 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

Umm, if they were just paying tuition it would be fine. But two of the girls were still in high school and I don't think one night will help them save up for uni!

At 9:25 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

High school???? Are you sure?

At 3:19 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

At least you weren't molested by any of the strippers. When I went with Amanda and Heidi that one time, it wasn't just the strippers that exposed themselves. But Club Electra is a bit different from the Manor. Especially because all the guys are way too old to be doing that. Anyway, Sarah's right, as a student at UoG you must experience the Manor at one time or another. (Booby oil!)

Did you join the tennis club to get in on these matches? I always wanted to, but everytime I thought of it, it was too late. Oh, well. Have fun with it.

So, Dave, you ARE keeping next Friday open to get drunk with - I mean celebrate with Sue? Just checking.

At 3:58 PM, Blogger manda said...


listen, I think everyone should whip out a boobie in public once in a while. It keeps you humble.

also, I think everyone at U of G should visit the manor at some point. It's a good time! I actually like amateur night, because most of the girls aren't that good looking and it makes me feel better about myself :) but highschool?! I suppose it's legal, but that's so wrong. Where are their parents?! 'Hey mom, hey dad, I'm going out to strip for old men, don't wait up!" BLARGH!

Also, I agree with Sarah. Living with your SO is gross. I could tell you stories, but you don't even want to know. Honestly.

At 4:00 PM, Blogger manda said...

Also I just realized that I clearly have the most manor experience of the group... both kat and sarah refernced me in their stories, and I AM an official member of the Woodstock Schwingin' Schlong club. Does that make me gross?? I hope not. I think it makes me an official "woman of leisure". Yes, that's it! ha!

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I wish I was a woman of leisure!! Sounds so relaxed ;)


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