The 695 thought pad

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Happy Turkey!

Hey, guys! Just a little Thanksgiving wish to everyone :) I hope everyone eats too much turkey and pumpkin pie! Remi got stuck working today, so I'm doing the turkey by myself... Should be interesting ;) We have a feast planned tonight including turkey and stuffing (if it turns out), cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, salad, marshmallow salad and pumpkin pie with ice cream :) We thought we should go crazy since we're so far from home. If anything cures loneliness it's food!

Anyway, a little update... I start my new job this week. The people are whack, so far, so we'll see how it works out. I'm taking a first aid course in a couple of weeks and I need to book that time off work and they wouldn't let me do it over the phone. WTF? The store is like a 20 minute drive from here! I'm glad the pharmacy is out that way too or else it would be a major waste of gas and life to drive all the way out there to book on Saturday off! Idiots!! (I was just looking for a picture of an idiot on google and found this site - )

In other news, I'm going to be volunteering starting this week as well. I have lots of time on my hands so I may as well do something with it! I'll be working with elderly patients suffering from dementia (most have Alzheimers). That's the plan anyway, I'm not sure what the position entails, but it should be interesting. I can't wait to start. I'm not completely altruistic of course. Volunteering will look good on my pharmacy application, especially something like this. I'm also really interested in psych disorders, so it'll be a good learning experience for me.

(Ooh Ronak's online from England! It's 8:40 PM there, 12:40 PM here and I guess 3:40 PM in Ontario and Indiana, where Kat is anyway... Three time zones represented by our little group!)

Other than that stuff, nothing's new here. I'm still pharmacying. I actually was able to work relief at another Save On Foods on Friday afternoon, which was nice. Hopefully I can get a few more shifts like that. We'll see how it works out with HomeCrap, I mean, HomeSense. Remi's working now too at a pawn shop just a couple of blocks from here. He's stuck working Thurs, Fri nights and Saturdays, but we're happy to have the money coming in. It's tough leaving home and having no real plans ;)

Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone on this wonderful holiday of food :)

I miss you guys, by the way. This was a great last weekend :) And look at Dave's farmer's tan! *sigh* Good times :)

Again, happy turkey!


At 5:04 PM, Blogger manda said...

mmm, dinner sounds good! esp. marshmallow salad. I love that shit. We've still got time, maybe I can convince Nick to make some...

I talked to Ronak today, he loves Cambridge! He said last night he went to the pub that Watson and Crick used to frequent. I hate him and love him all at once >:/ Also Kat's time zone is actually a half an hour behind EST, so she represents an extra time zone! We're so global, you guys!

At 5:05 PM, Blogger manda said...

Also toothpastefordinner is one of my favourite websites! It's on the links section of the 69shfiftyfive site. HILARIOUS!

At 5:43 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Nope, it's not half an hour, it's a full hour. I'm on EST (eastern standard time) instead of EDT (eastern daylight time). The only difference is that we don't observe daylight savings time.

Isn't it New Foundland that has the half hour difference?

Yeah, I wish I was having Thanksgiving dinner with all that stuff. Mmmmm, sweet potatoes...

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Newfoundland is one word, 4man. Come on!! They'll never let you BE Canadian if you don't know that! ;)

At 9:37 AM, Blogger manda said...

hha, new foundland! in fact, why stop there? let's call it new found land!

anyway I can't believe I screwed up indiana time, I'm sorry :( but you were right, NFLD is a half hour ahead.


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