The 695 thought pad

Monday, May 22, 2006

Happy 2-4!!

Hi, guys :) So I made it back to BC ok without any real events (besides the fact that the ferry shaved over 6 hours off my life - if any of you are planning on visiting a destination on Vancouver Island, I recommend landing in Victoria, not Vancouver, so you can avoid the ferry). And I'm back at work *blah*. I really don't think I'm cut out for this working business.

In other news, Remi and I went camping au naturel this weekend with some friends. We drove up a bumpy, stoney dirt road heading towards an abandoned ski lodge on Mt. Arrowsmith (peak pictured here):

We didn't make it to the lodge because the road was snowed out, so we camped down a ways. The first night was freezing, but last night wasn't bad. Anyway, it was great. No washrooms, showers, other people really. We had our own little private grown-over road to camp on.

It was quiet and relaxing. For us anyway... There was a group of hikers who were trying to make it to the peak on Sunday when one of their party slipped and ended up impaling himself (in the thigh) on a tree branch or something. There was police, ambulance, search and rescue and then a chopper to air-lift the guy to a hospital in Comox. It was wild. We had no idea what had happened until today when a news crew showed up and told us. They also interviewed Remi, so he was on the five o'clock news out here! HILARIOUS! We didn't even know anything about it!! Their story was really weak, but it was cool to see Remi on TV. I'm going to try to get a copy of the tape because they also had a brief shot of me, Mags and Remi with the anchor woman.

Anyway, the guy is going to be fine. I guess the people he was with were up on their first aide training, so they knew what to do. And they had cellphones. As much as I curse little frou frou girls with cellphones, I think Remi and I should have one for hiking trips and stuff. If it wasn't for that, the guy would have been up there for a very long time for someone to drive down the mountain and to the nearest town to get help.

So that was our May 2-4. Pretty exciting and relaxing all at the same time ;) I leave you with a couple of other pictures.

The view from our campsite.

Doing dishes with moss and sand!

The lean-to the boys built. We made fun of the building process until it started to rain and the thing actually worked.

Our Sunday night bonfire. There was a tree stump on there that smoldered pretty much all night.

Hopefully there will be more free back-woods camping in our future :)

Did I mention you guys should visit?


At 6:46 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

You know I want to! But, alas, I have my own adventure and camping experience to look forward to. I'll have to make sure I find a way to get pictures onto the blog while I'm out there so I can make you and Remi jealous of the east side of North America. ;)

What did everyone else do for the 2-4?

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Remi said...

Send me pictures of the Atlantic Kat, I want to compare it to what we have out here.
And come work here, you'll never leave... That goes for the rest of ya, too.
Or come visit... It's not that far. We'll show you cool shit.



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