The 695 thought pad

Friday, May 19, 2006


Ok, so I was going to post after Sunday's GA, which would have been Monday night, but then two hours of GA kind of got in the way. I didn't realize it was going to be 2 hours long. So the way things were rolling, I figured Danny had to go and there was NO WAY they could kill of Burke so with tears in my eyes I said goodbye to 'ol danny boy. I thought Izzie did a great job trying to convince Danny to let her cut his wires. Maybe a little Emmy award? I think Sandra Oh won for her performance last season. I also liked the way they filmed Danny's death, without the drama of Izzie, which I suppose, had already been done. A classic image when Alex picked Izzie up off the bed. The scene wouldn't have quite the same if she were wearing a little black dress. Which reminds me, I'm going to check out who made her dress - I love it.

So since I waited to post, my on-the-surface emotions have passed and I'll just say that the finale was great sans Meredith+Finn+McDreamy. Although I kinda liked the sex in the hospital room scene I hate how it ended with her chosing between the two. Although I suppose that's what the show was originally based around - Meredith and Derek - so it makes sense to tie the finale back into that, but still, I was a little disappointed. At the same time, they did a final feature on each of the characters, so this scene with Meredith is the most appropriate. We can't leave her happily with Finn without some questions hanging . . .

So that's that.

In other news, I went to see Xavier Rudd in Ottawa at the Tulip Festival last Saturday and got some amazing pictures. And I do mean amazing!

This one looks much better larger.

And . . .

This is my favourite one I think. I took about ten pics total, some out of focus cuz I zoomed in and it was really hard to stay still. I took my camera chip and used one of those Kodak machines and got about 5 pics in 8 x 10. I took this pic here in 8 x 10 then zoomed in on Xavier for another 8 x 10 and then one for his aboriginal guest from Australia. They both turned out fantastically. So I made some copies for Julie and I made a 8 x 10 and put it in a black picture frame and gave it to Xavier (!!!) when I went to a second concert, this time in Guelph last night (Thursday night).

Well, to be honest, I didn't actually get to meet Xavier but I spoke with his guitar tech man, who also played a song with him, and I asked if he could deliver the pic to Xavier. He said he could, but wouldn't I like to give it to him myself? Of course! He said Xavier may show up on stage in about 15min to help pack up and if not, he'd make sure it got to him. So unfort. Xavier was doing a post show ceremony with some local natives in the basement of War Mem (where it was held) so I never got a chance to meet him. I wasn't overly disappointed cuz I wasn't expecting to see him. The most important thing is that he got the pic. I put the location and my name on the back, but no contact info. I may email in a couple of days (or tomorrow) and see if he got it.
I was hoping to get some good pics in War Mem but they used a fog machine so the pics are shit, but at least I got some good ones in Ottawa. One wall of the upstairs hall is going to be my Xavier wall, made up of three pics I think maybe four in black frames with the picture floating so there's glass around it then the frame. I'll take a pic of my wall when its done and post it for all of you to see.

Ok so that's it for now. I will post again soon with further details, inquiries etc but must shower and get ready to go out. It is Friday night after all!!


PS - Dave I bought The Office !


At 9:31 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

If you find out who made Izzy's dress, let me know. It was very complimentary.

And the Xavier pics are quite good. I especially like the aborigine. It's the crazy hair.

And I have to admit that I laughed a bit at your wall 'o Xavier. It's cute in a sophisticated junior high kind of way. I look forward to seeing your final product.

At 9:31 AM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Oh, and thanks for posting!


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