The 695 thought pad

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Anybody out there?

Wow, did we all get enough of each other or what? Sure seems that way, since there has been no posting of late. Maybe we just don't have much left to talk about, which is true with me. I just wanted to post so that the blog looked different the next time I checked it. I wish I had a fun picture, but that's not the case.

I've been getting things together for Maine, buying supplies and figuring out what I need to take. I'm all amped up for the camping now. My parents and I went to BassPro yesterday and seeing all the tents and accessories has me all ready to get out there. That said, I still can't believe it's almost time to leave. Time has flown and I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not going to be here this summer. Indiana Audubon Society's (not affiliated with the National one that I'm working for) birdcount was this past Sat. I went with the folks from the Nature Center and we had some key sightings: two osprey, two peregrin falcons, some sandpipers, some warblers. We also saw some nests that would be nice to keep an eye on over the summer, but I had to keep reminding myself that I'm not going to be here for that. Weird.

I've also been working on my present to my parents for their 40th anniversary. I don't know if I told you all, but I'm sending out a mass letter to friends of theirs from over the years asking them to send their wishes back to my parents. I thought it would be kinda nice, since basically no one ever sends anniversary cards unless they are family. Plus, it'll kind of be a stand in for a party, which is what I really wanted to do, but I have no money for that and my parents are hard to pin down for stuff like that, anyway. So, I think this'll do.

So, besides reading and watching tv, that's all I've been doing. It may be boring, but it's still an update. How about you guys? I suppose Sarah made it back to BC w/out any problems? And Dave is working on the house before camp starts? And Sue's job back with the city of Otts is going well again? And Manda loves counting pills and petting kitties still? BTW, Amanda, I've been ruined. I've had the hugest hankering for sushi since we ate it last. And there's no sushi in Madison! Well, except for the who-knows-how-long-it's-been-there stuff at one of the grocery stores. I'm not quite to the point of buying some of that yet, but close. Maybe when I go to Louisville next... Anyway, people, POST!!!


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