OK, my turn
Hey guys. I really don't have much of an excuse for not posting. I'm usually dead tired by the end of the day and go straight to bed to watch sports highlights instead of the compy. But I start camp tomorrow and I know I'll be even more prone to sleeping when I get home so I figure I better post something. So here it is...
I don't get it...my days are filled with doing random things and yet I feel I have no stories to tell. It seems you are all doing pretty well with the whole getting your life started thing. I'm kinda stagnant right now, but that's fine. Actually, I have a really big decision to make right now: I think I'm going to work this year before going back to graduate. I don't want to go into too much detail, but I have my reasons. The most important reason is that I need to go and speak with a therapist or some sort of specialist to help me deal with this intense anxiety I've been feeling for about the past year and a half. I don't want to make this too upsetting of a post so I won't get too into this, but I really have been battling a lot of inner crap for a long time and it's hindered any chance I have at being successful in school. That's the most concise way I can word it. I contacted someone today and I'm going to have an appointment in the near future. I'll be fine eventually, but right now my head is not where it should be! The silver lining of the cloud is that it gives me a chance to work for the year and save up nearly every penny to finance my trip to England when I finish school where I'll want to work and live for at least a year. Adam works for a company called Softchoice (electronics distributor) and they're hiring people for the year at a nice salary which would easily get me to England.
Anyhoo, I know I haven't provided much detail, but I really have a hard time talking about this stuff so I'm going to move onto other fun topics now!
I have spent the past couple of weeks fixing up a lot of stuff around the house: painting, plastering, sawing, moving boxes, digging up areas of the garden, organizing the basement, taking apart the kitchen...I think that's all. Someone is coming in tomorrow to take apart the rest of our kitchen, then someone is digging up our floor, then someone is taking out the radiator. This will leave us with no sink, no floor, and pretty much nowhere to cook! Luckily pre-camp starts tomorrow and they feed us. We still don't have a shower, but that should be fixed soon...although that's what my mom said ages ago. Basically, our house looks worse than when you were here a couple of months ago. Wow, it's almost been two months.
Otherwise, I have spent a lot of time with my friends. We went to see a two-man band called the Sunparlour Players at a little bar in the Annex. Played by two men, there is a combination of a bass guitar, two bass drums, a glokenspiel, tambourine, cowbell, banjo, acoustic guitar, cymbal, drum, another silver guitar, and I'm sure one or two more instruments. The bass guitar player plays with one arm/hand while druming and singing and pounding on the foot-pedal attatched to the bass drum. They sound like Arcade Fire, only it's two people instead of a dozen. Very cool sound.
Nothing much to report on the women front. I've taken quite the shine for one of my friends named Sarah, but our group dynamics are so strong and we all joke around with each other that I'm worried of ruining something that's so good. She even requested that we watch Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train. That pretty much seals it for me :) Apart from that, nothin' a doin'.
My sister is getting married in just over two months now and everything is starting to come together. I was fitted for my tux last week and received my invitation yesterday. That's right, my sister sent me an invitation :) She does things right by the book. I'm so excited for her to get married. Her and Jonathan are the coolest couple who have pretty much the exact same taste in everything as me. Many of my relatives from England are making the trip here, which adds so much more to the wedding. I love walking around Toronto with people who have never been or haven't been for a while.
That's about all. Considering everyone is posting pictures, I'm going to leave you with some silly pics of me and my friends because I don't think any of you have seen what kind of people I hang out with. Enjoy!
Hmmm...I can't post any pictures right now. That's odd. I will next time.