The 695 thought pad

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Just a few pics from EER

I was only able upload a few pictures from my camera. Something about me not having the right cable and only a few on the memory card, I don't know. So, I have others, but you'll have to wait to see them. Anywho, here's some:

This is the Hilton on the left . Too many hours were spent in there. That's my supervisor, Christina, walking out. And you can see the outhouse on the right. This was taken from where my tent was.

Ahhhh, it's a giant laughing gull attacking a sailboat!!! Well, not really, but I think it looks like that. You can just barely see Pemaquid Neck on the horizon.

Home sweet home, gulls and all. This is where they would sit at 4:30 in the morning creating a racket and pooping all over it. You can see an observation blind in the background and another island just beyond it.

A tide pool, near where we would go to get sample water to measure the sea surface temperature. Never saw more than tiny shrimp.

A sweet little thing called beach pea. I couldn't help myself from grabbing a pic of it in the morning sun.

And finally, the black guillemot. Look at those feet! Who couldn't love a clumsy little foot high bird with bright reddish orange feet? And when they open their mouth, the inside is the same color! I'm smitten.

So, there's a brief overview of what I saw out at Eastern Egg Rock. Ironically, all of my pictures of puffins are unavailable at the moment, so like I said before, you're gonna have to wait. But, it's also fitting that I would have a picture of a guillemot, because June 27 is Guillemot Appreciation Day! Horray!


At 8:34 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I LOVE that picture of the bird flying right by your tent! Nice shots, 4man :) I haven't read your preceding post, but from the pics I can tell how rustic it was ;) You must be loving it!

At 2:52 PM, Blogger manda said...

wow, that's like... a waterfall of poop on your tarp. It's a poopfall!

It looks beautiful, even for a complete anti-naturalist like me :)


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