The 695 thought pad

Thursday, February 09, 2006

A tale . . .

So I was out one day just minding my own business, and suddenly I just fell off the face of the earth. About a month and a half later I was found clinging to its chin, a little dehydrated and stiff but no worse for wear. So here’s what I was up to on my little trip down . . .

I probably mentioned this before, but I’m working right now for Public Works, the wonderful, painfully slow, scandal-ridden department of the federal government. It’s been pretty slow my first almost five weeks, but at least they’re paying well! The first week my boss was away, the second week our office moved floors and weeks three and four my boss was away (again) this time for two weeks in the Dominican (nice). So all of that combined with the election campaign, where the Minister couldn’t sign off on reports, projects, etc. meant not much was done. But things should start picking up soon. I hope.

So my mission to not sit around on my ass all winter is going along better than I had anticipated. I just recently joined the Carleton Place Heritage Committee (formerly LACAC). I went to a town hall meeting the other Monday cuz the committee was giving an info session on the conservation district they’re proposing for our main street and it was quite clear to me that they were in need of some serious help, so I volunteered to join the committee and help get moving on this plan. Soon those meetings will be every Monday. On Wednesday nights, Lindsey and I go to Pilates. It’s been a couple years since I was seriously into it, and wow how I’ve lost my ab muscles! Ouch! And on Thursday nights I’m going to be taking a French class at a local learning centre. The class was supposed to start about three weeks ago but has been postponed to increase the class size. If it’s not a go, I’ll just buy the book we were going to use in class and try to teach myself. I know I know some stuff, it’s just hiding in the bottom drawer of my brain, and quickly gathering dust.

So that leaves me with my weekends, which usually consist of sleeping in, maybe some Pilates, drinking and getting stoned – which also happens some weeknights which the body isn’t liking too much at 5:30 the next morning L There’s also a little friend on the side who I see now and then so that keeps me in good shape too J Oh my . . .

Other than that things are pretty quiet in little ol’ CP. I don’t get to see Lindsey as often as I would like but I’ve become closer with a friend I made in the summer (the one with the weed) so that’s been fun just hanging out . . .

. . . So here in concludes my tale. A sad and quick little ending I know, but I’ve never been one for good conclusions.

I really feel your pain Kat about your LoP issues and graduating. I’m so happy it worked out in the end. I would have been freaking out if that had been me. I’m really hoping that doesn’t happen to me. Right now I’ve got one class left to take in order to graduate and co-op says I have to end on an academic term. So it had been suggested to me that I could take the one course I’m missing distance ed at another university this summer. That way I get my course and I end on an academic. So after much waiting (for schools to confirm their summer courses) and much searching I finally found an equivalent course offered at Ryerson distance ed this summer. So I email Jane, my prof and pseudo-advisor and she tells me she doesn’t think this will be approved by co-op cuz it doesn’t technically count as ending on an academic term. But she’s the one who told me to do this in the first place! Arghh! Anyways, after much emailing back and forth between Jane, Janet in co-op, the commerce counseling office, etc it looks like Jane will accept this course as a substitute for the one at Guelph, and “due to my unusual situation” the co-op department supposes they can approve this as well. So my Request for Letter of Permission is in and my fingers are crossed. Otherwise, I will have to wait until next January in order to take the one course I need, and that would be a bummer. Not that I would really mind going back to Guelph cuz I loved it there, and Dave, Jonas and Brock would be there, but it’s nice to get things over with. I was hoping that I could get this course in the summer than start at Carleton for a Masters in the fall, but by the time I could find this course, the deadline has already past for Carleton, so we’ll have to wait and see on that one. One step at a time.

If anyone’s been following AD, the “season” finale is on this Friday night for two hours – make sure you tape it, it could be the last one. L Cue tears L

I really wish I could be at the graduation. It would be so surreal to see you up graduating Kat – did we not all just meet? Who am I? Where am I? How’d I get here?? So weird. I was just at a friend’s farewell party last Saturday. She’s ending off to New Zealand for her masters and I’ve known her for forever. And it was held at a friend’s house who lives with her bf and probably soon engaged; Linds lives with her bf and probably even sooner will be engaged; another friend just had a kid. A couple others are getting married . . . The list goes on and I’m freaking out!

But I digress. I’m having fun right now, they are all happy so I’m happy for all of them.
So Kat, good luck at graduation, and try not to puke – but have a rye and coke for me please!! Good luck with the cross-overs Dave and don’t let Big Red intimidate you – maybe she’s a closet AD freak! Amanda, I hope things are well with you and Nick in St. Cath’s and the kitties are keeping you entertained. I saw one outside my window this aft and ran outside to see it, but I think I scared it away. Poo. And Remi and Sarah I hope you guys are loving your BC weather. It’s not cold enough here and I think I brought Guelph’s grey skies with me. Say hi to Maggie for me and hug one of those big trees for me – I’ve always wanted to do that.

I’m off to watch an episode of Grey’s Anatomy I taped from Monday. I just couldn’t stay awake long enough to watch it. I’m going to make sure to post more often so I don’t end up writing another long essay and cramping my fingers up.

Au revoir!


At 6:35 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Hi Sue! Welcome back, you've been missed ;) I'm glad to see all is going well for you as well. And don't worry about Carleton... It's OK to take a year off :) And who's the new boy? Please elaborate!

At 12:19 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Sarah's right, a year off does a body good.


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