The 695 thought pad

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Checkin' in

I figure that doing short posts every so often is kinda like dropping into one of your rooms and chatting for a few mins...not overstaying my welcome, and hopefully providing some laughy-laughs. And a little bit of retardation. There's always room for retardation. And there's not quite enough of it on this board. The retardations at about a 7; we need it at about an eleven. Sorry, I watched Spinal Tap the other night and I just had to throw in a reference.

So it's amazing how much changes in a week. Exactly seven days ago I was stumbling around in Trappers, bumping into random people, meeting some girl from Ottawa and then just walking away when I got my beer, and then passing out when I got home. And one week later, I'm studying economics, having random conversations with my housemates, meeting...noone, drinking a bottle of water, and then passing out as soon as I'm done studying.

So how many clementines have you all gone through so far this year? I've gone through one crate and had about ten of someone else's crate.

I ate an entire No Name (not-so) deluxe pizza in about 20 minutes and felt very nausious afterwards. I added some tobasco sauce to add an extra punch and it really didn't help too much! So, in conclusion, don't eat an entire No Name pizza - especially in 20 minutes. I mean, I was hungry and would have stuffed anything down, but maybe next time I'll just go with the tried-and-true pasta. mmm with four cheese sauce...

I haven't heard from Jess since last Tuesday when I emailed her to check in. I know she's busy, but I figured that by now she would have at least seen what's up. I'll drop her a line and see if she wants to grab a coffee during a study break some time soon. I really want to get to know her some more!

Oh, Sarah, I bumped into Caitie from Lennox and she told me to say hi to you. So there you are!

I think that's about it. My Leafers blew a 3-1 lead tonight and lost. I wasn't pissed off at all! F'n cock-gobblers.

Here's the link to that t-shirt site. I can't find the 'Arrrrr' shirt because you get random shirts when you click on the links. You'll see. This one is priceless, though:



At 9:36 AM, Blogger manda said...

mahaha, that shirt is pretty good. I also like the one on the side bar there - "Kenya dig it?" ... I laughed for about 5 minutes. srsly.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger manda said...

also I am still on my first crate.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

those shirts are pretty good ;) and remi and i have finished a BOX of MANDERIN ORANGES out here. they don't have crates of clemintines!! WTF'nF?? we're CLOSER to asia for god's sakes! WHACK


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