The 695 thought pad

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I agree with Sarah, it sucks with everyone so far apart. It would be nice if we could press the rewind button and start all over again and watch ourselves in reverse - now that would be funny!

Krista and I had a little romantic getaway in TO last weekend to do some Christmas shopping. We grabbed the bus late Friday afternoon and stayed until dinnertime Saturday. Her sister works for the Marriott in Ottawa so she got us a really sweet deal on a suite at the Marriott on Yonge. It was like an apartment with a king size bed and only for $99! We really didn't want to leave! So basically we just did some shopping along Yonge and in the Eaton Centre. It was a fun time but every store we went into was playing music like we had just stepped into a dance club. It was so loud everywhere, Krista and I kept yelling back and forth to each other. "What?! I can't hear you!" "What!?!" it was pretty funny, especially when the sale people agreed with us. Then why not turn it down? We totally felt like old people cuz no one else was complaining.
I won't bother to mention the general rudeness we encountered, cuz I already bitvhed to dave about it, but it was a pretty common occurence.

Last night went to the e-bar again for Arrested Development. This time I managed to drag Abena along and I think she had a pretty good time. I almost wasn't going to go but I'm sure glad I did cuz it was Steamwhistle promotion night (last week was Rickards) so Abena both got free beer and we got to keep the Steamwhistle glass it came in, and I won a draw for a Steamwhistle hat! Needless to say I was quite excited. So we both grabbed a late dinner there and chilled for about an hour. I really should have been working on my Urban Economics project (which I'm supposed to be doing right now) but I'd been on campus for about 10 hours and needed some laughter. Luckily for me, I just checked my email and my prof for Urban just gae us an extension on the big project. Yay! It was suppsoed to be due this Friday, teh last day of classes, but she's extended it until Dec. 10 cuz she knows we're all going crazy. So that's a relief cuz the final for that class is Monday and everyone else I know has another exam that day to, with only this weekend to study for it. So at least we can all breathe a little better.

Anyways, that's about all my news for now. Unfortunately we have lost all our snow:( The temperature went up to 15C by 11pm last night! But of course along with it comes rain:( I saw some pictures of road conditions in BC today. Looks pretty rough for driving, but it still makes me wish we had all our snow here. Ah well, soon enough!

Anyways, better get going. Must start the day.
Au revoir,


At 7:35 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

People in this province CANNOT handle snow! People were in the ditch EVERYWHERE this morning ;) One of the pharmacists at work saw some lady trying to push her car with her foot out her open door while gunning the gas with her other foot... Apparently one wheel was off the side of the embankment! But Malaspina wasn't closed today, so Remi was outraged. Apparently people told him that the university closes at the drop of a flurry, but no such luck ;) I hope your snow's back soon! I'm very excited to have it out here, even though it's really heavy and wet.


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