The 695 thought pad

Sunday, October 02, 2005


First of all, for anyone who has not done so, please look at the pictures Amanda has posted of her and Ronak cleaning up the garage! NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASTY! Thank you sooooooooooooooo much for cleaning up that shit! LITERALLY! Was that mouse POOP??? That's gro-didly-oss! Here's a hand for your fabulous work:

Anyway, amazing things seen today in BC! Remi and I went to a hike in Nanaimo (there are soooooo many cool hikes close to home!) called Cable Bay Trail. The hike was through a thick, beautiful, lush, green, big-treed forest with the ocean at the end. It was really nice. When we got to the end we played by the water for a bit, doing our usual geeking around - looking in tide pools and trying to spot other marine wildlife - and what did we see?? Sea lions! The tide was coming in and it comes through a narrows creating a bit of a rapids which I postulate pushing fish into the bay that we were sitting at, ergo, the sea lions go there to feed when the tide changes (I would like to point out that Remi, the marine biologist, did not think of this). It was amazing! Kat, you would have died. They were jumping out of the water, as far as their big bodies would let them, and splashing about and there were birds circling (our first indication something cool was going down) around them to pick up the scraps. We took some video of it which I'm going to try to edit so I can post some of it online for you guys to watch. I've never seen anything like it! When you guys visit, we're definitely going there. I guess it's common to see sea lions there this time of year. We also saw a couple of otters and some seals. VERY COOL!

Other than that, nothing is new to speak of. I was at a 7 hour orientation session for HomeSense on Friday night (boring!) and found out that so far they are giving me NO hours. I have none this week and only 8 next. The manager promises the hours will go up once the store opens though. They better!

In other news, Remi's parents are flying out here for Christmas! It'll be nice to have family here for xmas, that's for sure. Remi promises quiche and champagne on Christmas morning (Masson tradition).

Nothing else new here :) I'll see about editing that video this afternoon and getting it online!

Take care all!



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