The 695 thought pad

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Greetings fellow bloggers

Do I really have the authority to say that though, since I clearly am the least frequest blogger. My apologies yet again. Not too much going on here. I have been reading the blogs but my computer's been giving me problems and not letting me sign in. So I'm on a laptop (sitting right on it in fact!) in the lib killing time til a project partner gets here. We were supposed to meet at 11am but when he didnt show up, I checked my messages and he'd changed the time to 12pm.
I've been following grey's Anatomy and i think I'm in love! But not as much as AD of course! I've been taping every episode since I have night class cuz there's no way I can miss it. Did anyone see Medium last night - very cool. The ads looked kinda creepy but well worth it. Next weeks looks pretty good too.
I can't say I have anything as exciting to say as the rest of you. No sea lions, or even just the sea or lions, no mouse poop, no third eyeball from all the chemicals, or even a new member to my family - Congrats Kat! But I do have to say that Dave and I have our first official hockey showdown tomorrow night!! Can't wait!!
Shit! Got to go. Urban economics project awaits me! If I don't blog again before Thanksgiving, and with my lovely track record, I don't see that as too likely, I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and eats turkey till their buttons pop! I know I will!!!



At 3:22 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

I did see Medium last night, and found it very good. There is only one episode that I have not found favor with and it was a couple weeks ago. The one where she hears the music in her head and she dreams of the plane crash. Very poor ending, I thought.

I have watched a couple episodes of Grey's Anatomy, and find it entertaining, but it hasn't taken hold of me, at least not yet. I do admit that I really like Sandra Oh, though. She delivers well and has great timing. But that's to be expected, she is Canadian after all.

Anyway, glad to see that you are trying to keep up with the blog. Hope the TA job is going well. Have a good Thanksgiving and get ready to party it up on your birthday! Oh, BTW, I'm going to be arriving the night of the 11th now. I get an extra day in Guelph, but my parents are going to be around. We'll see what we can do. Later!

At 3:51 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Yeah! It's Sue :) I'm glad everything is going well for you. Uneventful is not always bad!! I can't wait for an uneventful week... I'm trying to get my car insurance and license switched over to BC and it's going to cost a small fortune to have the car safetied and everything! Piece of advice... Stay in your home province/state!! Pain in the ASS is moving ;)

Anyway, happy thanksgiving and happy coming up birthday to you!!


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