The 695 thought pad

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

If I was a vegetable...

Something I said at dinner tonight that made me think of stoned nights with you guys: "If I was a vegetable I'd be brocoli. I mean, look at this afro!"

Oh boy ;) Anyway, nothing is new and exciting in the life of Sarah, but I thought I'd post anyway. Happy Valentine's Day by the way! Remi actually bought me my first diamond-from-a-boyfriend for VD ;) It's a nice stone pendent on a gold chain ;) Very classy, I think. I'm wearing it right now and probably for the next week and a half 'cause I'm so thrilled! Boyfriends are great.

In other news, Remi and I drove out to the west coast of Vancouver Island on Sunday. It was AMAZING. Saw some snow on the mountains on the way over (like a whole foot's worth!! That's crazy for out here!) and then some major rolling waves. Remi and I dipped our feet into the 'real' Pacific (as Remi likes to call it since we're not really on the 'real' Pacific here in Nanaimo, I guess!). So here are a few pics of the day. I hope everyone's well :)

This tree is really frickin' big.

This was really cold.

These waves were frickin' huge.


At 10:01 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

Was that a spot where the bark had been worn away on that humongous tree? Just curious. Looks like a pretty cool daytrip.

Congrats on the diamond. I guess you've entered the upper echelons of a relationship. So are you gonna post a pic or what? You have to get some female feedback, besides the fact that I just wanna see it. ;)

At 10:05 PM, Blogger SophistiKat said...

BTW, that's a laugh out loud quote. Mint, as you would say.

At 6:34 AM, Blogger Leafer said...

Good use of the word "frickin'". Who took those pics of you and Remi? I know Mag's is talented, but she's not that good.

So what does that say about cauliflower? :p Is cauliflower a wigger?

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

First of all, this goes out to cauliflower being a wigger: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha! Hilarious, Dave. And yes, I will post a picture of my DIAMOND soon ;) And we took the pictures with a tripod Remi got at the pawn shop for super-cheap. It's been really nice, actually, actually getting some pictures of US! As for the bark on the tree... I'm not sure. People might have worn it off. People are really stupid. We didn't see much of this, but some assholes carved their names into some of the trees and stumps. Not a big deal for the stumps, but the live trees! Dinks!


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