The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The pad goes techno

You have no idea how glad I am that The Pad is online. I just spent the last 20 minutes reading through it and I'm crying, I'm laughing so hard. It brings back so many memories, too. God, I can't believe that time is over. I would give up half my liver to get back there. I'm sad that the 695 is no longer, but I'm so thankful that I got to experience such a place. Honestly, you guys were and will remain like family. I feel like I'll never be so lucky again to have people like you in my life. I wish you all laughter like we had back in the day. Okay, cheesiness is complete.

My classes start on Monday. It sucks that summer is over, but I'm actually ready to get started. I want to graduate, for christ's sake! I'm hoping to finish out with intro to mineralogy and ancient and medieval art as well as animal behavior. I have to get signed into the art course or wait for someone to drop it, but I really want in, because I have friends in it. Anyway, it should be an interesting semester. I'll be working at the park on the weekends, too. That's pretty much the update.

Now, for the record, my guess is 15 on the "krab" and 4 on the mixed veggies. Oh, I hope I win!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

whooooo blogmaster vernooy in the hizzouse!

hellllooooooooo 695ers!

ok, so I'm pretty disappointed that nobody has blogged in here yet... come on people, let's get this party in motion! Only Sarah has an excuse, the whole moving across the country thing is permissible, I guess.... but the rest of you!! SHAME!

Anyway I really didn't have much to say, things are pretty boring around here at the 695, me and Ronak are just workin' stiffs who hang out when we can. Ronak has even started doing dishes without me asking! Imagine that :D! I've moved some of my stuff to St. C's and I'm packing a little at a time so it's not too overwhelming on moving day, and I'm just finishing out my last week and a half at SDM before I move. Speaking of SDM, I got a full-time pharmacy tech job at a SDM in St. C's (I'm a lifer, and it makes me sick!) and I'm starting the first week of September, so everything seems to be going ok so far.

Oh now I remember what prompted me to write this blog entry - I cleaned out the freezers yesterday ( like REALLY cleaned them out and chucked pretty much everything) and you will NEVER guess how many unopened packages of artificial crab meat Graham and Jen had in the chest freezer. NEVER!

In fact!

Here's a little competition for everyone: I will send an awesome nifty prize to the first 695'er (excluding me and ronak, because he already knows the answer) who can correcftly guess the number of unopened packages of artificial crab meat Graham and Jen left in the 695 chest freezer!

An optional second prize will go to the contestant who can correctly guess the number of bags of frozen mixed vegetables that various 695'ers left for me and ronak to try and eat in our last 2 weeks at the house :S

Good Luck!

Anyway, I think that was all for now. I really want you guys to blog! I think this is a terrific way to keep in touch, but we all have to contribute!

miss you guys and lots of love,