The 695 thought pad

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


If we had gizzards, would we serve up some rocks with dinner? Maybe chocolate covered rocks as a digestif...


Sunday, December 17, 2006

Too busy to write?

Should we just cancel the blog!!?? Amanda, I know you have exams and need to procrastinate...

Anyhoo, what's new with everyone? I just finished up my last final yesterday - Organic Chemistry or, as I like to call it, Hell. It was the worst exam I've ever written in my life. I failed for sure. I was actually up at 1:30 in the morning last night obsessing about it and I had to leave the bed and go read on the couch until about 2:30 before I could get back to sleep. I feel like I didn't know how to do ANYTHING. It was crazy given that I've spent my entire semester staying on top of the course material so well. It all seems like a waste now. I'm sure I failed. I only needed 28% on the final to pass the course and that's even in question!! HORRIBLE. On that note, good luck on the rest of your finals, Manda.

In other news, Remi and I went to see Body Worlds yesterday. It was very interesting, but, since we're science nerds, we found it lacking in some areas. I found myself wishing that the sagittal sections were better labeled - am I a freakin' nerd or what?? All in all though it was AWESOME. It's very neat how everything has been preserved and how you can see many different aspects and features depending on how the bodies were dissected and displayed. I defintely recommend it.

Today we went for a hike down by the ocean. It's the first time since we've been here that we've found a decent ocean walk. I really reminded me of Nanaimo and the walks along the seashore there. Lots of arbutus trees (which I ADORE).

That's one of the pictures from today. It was also sunny, which is really nice. It's also really nice to be able to sit here typing and not worry about studying for finals!! What a freakin' relief!

Anyway, I'll leave you with a few pictures and the hope that at least one of you will post soon! By the way, thanks for the Xmas E-card, Sue!

Later gators :)